Create very high quality videos using your own mobile phone.
Safe & Secure
Relax knowing your videos are protected by double verification.
Screen Ready
View your videos in great quality on multiple screen sizes.
Phone Friendly
Small enough to install with ease on any smartphone.
Simple & Smart!
Now is your chance to take high-quality videos on your own. Easy to use and really professional, you’ll film the best selfie videos, ever!
How it works
Filming amazing selfie videos is now easier than ever.
Just install the Videofy app and click record.
Here are just a few of the brands using Videofy
"Videofy is simply the best app of the year. I use it every day, and the results are amazing. Great videos, great quality. Never crashes or causes trouble on my phone!"
Julia. W
"My friends recommended Videofy, and I am so glad they did. It’s a great app, simple to use, lots of fun. I can’t wait to see the next version of it!"
Michael. M
"I am not very tech savvy, but this app was super easy to use. Just install and it’s ready to go. Plus, it doesn’t take up too much room on my phone!"
Christopher R
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